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VM Backup - Three Repositories

Post by jfelpel »

I have a quick questions that I have not been able to find the answer too despite my searches...

Is there a good way to run a backup and have the backup end up on three different repositories? Something similar to a SOBR but with both an on-prem and cloud capacity tier.

Use Case and rough plan:
Three repositories:
- Fast SSD repository
- On-Prem Capacity (deduplicated and compressed)
- Cloud Object Capacity (Wasabi)

I would want to run a backup to a fast set of SSD disks to ingest backups as fast as possible.
Once the initial backup completes, get copies of the backups to both of the capacity tiers. This is where I am not sure how to make this happen...

I want the copies that land on the cloud tier to be immutable.
I want to keep GFS copies on both capacity tiers, but only some of the most recent backups on the performance tier.

Essentially I want to create an on-prem SOBR and then keep the on-prem capacity tier synced with Wasabi. And have the data copied to Wasabi be immutable.

Truthfully, if the three tier idea will not work in this fashion, dropping backups on the on-prem capacity tier would be fast enough to be the "performance" tier of a SOBR that uses Wasabi as the capacity tier.
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Re: VM Backup - Three Repositories

Post by Mildur »


There is no "on-prem capacity tier synced with Wasabi" feature in our product.
I suggest keep it simple:

Use Veeam Backup & Replication v12
V12 allows direct backup or copy to object storage

1. primary repository: Fast SSD repository
2. secondary repository: On-Prem Capacity
3. third repository: Cloud Object Capacity (Wasabi)

Backup Job:
Backups points to Fast SSD repository
Retention: your most recent backups

Backup Copy Job 1:
Copy Job points to On-Prem Capacity
Retention: your most recent backups (and GFS?)

Backup Copy Job 2:
Copy Job points to Cloud Object Capacity (Wasabi)
Retention: your most recent backups and GFS

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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