We have a replication job for 52 VMs. It has been working great but we have seen that anytime we increase a VMDK size on a VM, then the next replication cycle we get a warning "VM disk size changed since last sync, deleting all restore points." It does replicate that VM but does not retain the previous replica points. Is this the expected behavior? I did do some searching and found this post in which Vladimir states that:
version 8 should condone resizing source replica disks by merging existing snapshots and making corresponding changes on replica VMs.
I wanted to confirm the expected behavior before contacting support.
Michael, this is expected behavior, replica restore points should be merged after changing original VM disks size due to VMware snapshot limitations (no support for expansion of the underlying disk). Thanks!
Hi, Michael, what I meant in that post was the fact that replica job wouldn't fail, if you resize the source virtual disk. Instead, it would merge existing restore points and proceed smoothly. Thanks.
If we have a VM that is 775GB in total and we replicate this using a backup seed today. What happens if we need to increase the Disk size at some point in the near future.
How does Veeam Replication handle the change in disk size?
Does it need to do a full re-sync like the backup job?
Just a quick comment... I was looking for more information on the "deleting all restore points" scenario. I understand the reasons for it and all of this makes sense. I've looked through the Veeam User Guide and have not been able to find any official documentation about this behavior. I think it should be documented as it's an important consideration for risk management. It's also easier to share this information with customers and fellow I.T. folks if there's some official documentation or KB article that describes it.
Thanks, Veeam!
1. If I'm replicating a VM to our DR site and I increase the virtual hard drive size of the VM, what happens during the next replication run?
2. I have approximately 3TB which will be replicated. Is it best practice to split that up into several smaller jobs, or just have everything in one big job?
Hey there @foggy - I was looking in the v11 vSphere documentation and still don't see where resizing source/original VM disk removes all replica VM restore points, unless I overlooked it (which of course is possible, tho I scanned & rescanned the whole section 3 x ). Has this been added & I overlooked it?
Sorry...found it in the first item under the 'Requirements and Limitations' section of Replication. Actually, I went through this section last wk for a deep review/study of Replic as I'm (re) implementing in my environment, and just *new* I saw that expected behavior somewhere in my reading. Eh well.