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Full Name: David Springer

VM stuck in Boot Screen after Restore

Post by dspringer »


I have already written to our service provider. But I still wanted to ask here. Have you ever had a case where a VM simply got stuck in the boot manager?

I have tested all other Veeam locations and fortunately only noticed it in 2 locations. I wanted to move a server template from location A to location B using Veeam, which usually works at the other locations too. But now the error appears at location B. Wouldn't be so bad. However, I also noticed it when I tried to restore a VM from location B to the same location. If I restore it to location A instead, it runs.

How is it possible that a VM backed up in B cannot be restored there? Unfortunately, neither vCenter nor Veeam show any errors or warnings in the restore process. The authorisations within the user used at vCenter are also correct between the two locations.

Would open a ticket directly. However, we are currently converting our licences and adding VeeamOne to them. In future, we will obtain these directly from our Veeam-licensed service provider - but there is an overlap right now.
Ashes on my head, it is also Veeam 11, because the upgrade will be carried out directly after the licence changeover, as the database is also to be outsourced.
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Re: VM stuck in Boot Screen after Restore

Post by Dima P. »

Hello David,

Unfortunately it's not possible to tell the exact reason why this is happening without detailed log analysis, so the support investigation is required. As a possible workaround - try to boot the machine via Instant Recovery, if it works correctly - you can simply migrate it to production. Thanks!
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Full Name: David Springer

Re: VM stuck in Boot Screen after Restore

Post by dspringer » 1 person likes this post

The topic can be closed and the solution to the problem is quite simple and silly - but serious.
The reason here was most likely the missing Windows Server feature Multipath IO - we were able to narrow this down in several attempts and it turned out that the error only occurred when using the backend in the direction of the MSA. A look at the disc management of the repository Server of the location then also showed the suspected source, in that the connected discs were basically there twice.

The second faulty location was also fixed by installing the feature. Ironically, I subsequently discovered that this feature was also missing at 2 other locations, where everything worked without any problems. Nevertheless, I corrected it straight away.
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