The weird thing is that there are conflicting errors in the VBR 9.5 server (error email was also sent), job failed but the backup copy job shows previous status as "Success".
Anyway to resolve the issue
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Failed to merge full backup file Error: The user name or password is incorrect. Failed to restore file from local backup. VFS link: [summary.xml]. Target file: [MemFs://frontend::CDataTransferCommandSet::RestoreText_{1f61dbce-1474-4431-8df2-c094519411f6}]. CHMOD mask: [0]. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.RestoreText}.
Failed to generate points Error: The user name or password is incorrect. Failed to restore file from local backup. VFS link: [summary.xml]. Target file: [MemFs://frontend::CDataTransferCommandSet::RestoreText_{1f61dbce-1474-4431-8df2-c094519411f6}]. CHMOD mask: [0]. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.RestoreText}.