I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction, please! I'm looking for the Processed size of the user data during a given backup job for both our B&R jobs as well as the Cloud Connect jobs.
The Data > Processed information is already presented when opening the Backup Job summary page in B&R. It's shown like this:
Processed: 40.8 GB (100%)
Read: 1.5 GB
Transferred: 544.4 MB (2.9x)
I've tried this query and got close, but it only shows the data_size, which is the total size of the entire volume backed up; the 3TB total disk size instead of the 1TB of actual data which was backed up.
Code: Select all
SELECT [CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Storages].[creation_time]
,[CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Storages].[backup_size]/ (1024 * 1024 * 1024) AS [backup_size (GB)]
,[CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Storages].[data_size]/ (1024 * 1024 * 1024) AS [data_size (GB)]
FROM [CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Storages] LEFT JOIN [CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Backups] ON [CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Backups].[id]=[CloudConnect].[dbo].[Backup.Model.Storages].[backup_id]
Thanks in advance!