I've examined the Product Knowledge for this monitor, and the possible overrides, but I'd like some extra info.
The Product Knowledge summary:
This monitor tracks threshold breaches for the following metric: maxDeviceLatency - the highest of maxDeviceReadLatency and maxDeviceWriteLatency
This is a 'Top N' monitor - the top hosts reporting latency, and their I/O to this datastore, will be listed in the alert description.
Possible overrides, with their default values:
- Instance Count 5
- Num Samples 1
- Threshold1 40
- Threshold2 80
Am I correct to assume the interval is the value we've set in our VES webportal for collection interval of the collectors? The default is 5mins, but we have it on 10.
So if we'd set the Num Samples value to 2, the monitor would only spawn an alert when the threshold is breached over 2 consecutive collections, in our case 10mins apart.
Any holes in my reasoning?