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Full Name: Keith Kleiman

Exclude vms from discovery

Post by keithkleiman »

I am looking to exclude a bunch of vms (about 200) and do not want to do it by name. Wondering if the "ExcludeVMsByFolderName" parameter of the "Veeam Stage 2 – Virtual Machine discovery rule" is a more feasible option than specifying all those name. How can I use this option? Where do I create the folder? Depending on the location, how do I add the vms in them?
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Full Name: Sergey Goncharenko

Re: Exclude vms from discovery

Post by sergey.g »

Hi Keith,

You can create a VM folder in the vCenter client, these folders work compleltely independent from host folders or hosts themselves or clusters, so it doesn't matter where VM actually resides.

You just navigate to Inventory > VMs and Templates, right-click on a datacenter and select New Folder

There is one limitation though - this has to be a direct parent folder for a VM, so if you have some VMs in a subfolder - you need to either move them to the "Exclude Folder" or create another "Exclude Folder" with the same(or different) name and move these VMs there.

Feel free to ask any other questions regarding VM discovery process.

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