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Full Name: Eric Chipko

Group of VMS for user accounts

Post by epchipko »

I am trying to setup groups of VMs in SCOM groups and then to limit what set of VMs each user profile in SCOM will see.
Its not working for the state view and I havent gotten to the alert view. I am putting the VMGUEST object in the group but then nothing shows in the state view. If I add or use the ESX host object, then the state view is scoped only to the VMs on that HOST but all VMs for that host are shown. This is the observation for 5.5. Does it change with 5.6?
Will using VMGuest objects usually work for alerts? I see that some alerts are sourced from the VEM and only the alert text contains the affected VMguest and that is OK but will some alerts for the VMGuest properly respect this scoping?
Alec King
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Re: Group of VMS for user accounts

Post by Alec King »

Hi Eric,

Putting VMGUEST objects in a group should work ok for State views..... Which state columns are you checking when you create the View?

You're correct, the Alert filtering in the views for VM alerts uses the alert NAME- this is because some alerts use the VMGUEST as a Target, some use VI-API Link class as a Target (this represents your Virtual Center).

All alerts for VMs will match the namng standard "nworks VMware:VM* " . That alert name will work to capture all alerts for all VMs, regardless of Target class.

Please note - in the next update (5.7, later this year) I have retargeted many of the Rules - so that all VM alerts will use VMGUEST class as a target. So all alerts, whether a Virtual Center event or a performance monitor, will all be logged against VMGUEST.

Alec King
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Full Name: Eric Chipko

Re: Group of VMS for user accounts

Post by epchipko »

Putting VMGuests in a group is not working for the VEEAM _VM state view.
Here is what I am doing. I create an instance group (not a computer group).
In that group I put 5 windows computer objects and the 5 corresponding health service watchers.
Explicit members (we have a PowerShell script that already does this but I am doing it with the GUI for now).
I note now that when I right click "View Group Members" the VMGuest objects do not appear in the view.
I create a role for the operator responsible for these 5 computers.
In top level all computers, the operator only sees these 5 computers
In all folders below Microsoft Windows Servers, all views are scoped to only these 5 servers.
In nworks VMare\VMware Virtual Machine\_VM state, the operator sees blankness.
If I add an VMware ESX server, then the operator sees all the state for all guests attached to the host, not just the 5.
Also the VMare\VMware Virtual Machine\Active Alerts view is not properly scoped / filtered for these 5 servers. This would be desirable.
What can I put in the group so that I see VMGuest state and VMGuest alerts for the VMGuest object that corresponds with the Windows Computer Object?
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Full Name: Eric Chipko

Re: Group of VMS for user accounts

Post by epchipko »

Never mind.
The powershell scipt I was using to create the group incorrectly typed the VMGUEST as Gateway Servers as I had copied that section of code.
Alec King
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Re: Group of VMS for user accounts

Post by Alec King »

Thanks Eric!
I was working on your question, and scoping views seemed to be working for, glad to hear it is also working for you now :)

I did want to stress one point again - scoping a view at VMGUEST class will show all performance alerts for VMs. And it will show many event-based alerts too.

However it will not show EVERY vCenter-event-based alert that concerns VMs. This is because most vCenter alerts (for VMs - and Hosts, Clusters, etc) are targeted at the MP class 'VI-API Link', this represents your Virtual Center.

So your scoped view will correctly show VMs, their State, all performance alerts and some event alerts where VMGUEST is the Target (such as vCenter alarms). But certain events will not be shown in that scope as they apply to another Class.

This will work 100% in nworks 5.7 however, there I have re-targeted all VM-based vCenter event rules so that they will all be logged against VMGUEST class. We will be shipping 5.7 later this year.

Any queries on the above please let me know!
Alec King
Vice President, Product Management
Veeam Software
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