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Full Name: Lourhmat iElmostafa

Veeam Collector issue

Post by lourhmati »

We have to configure Veeam MP for VMware, we installed the collector on a server that have SCOM agent installed. (it s also a SQL server hosting SCOM DBs).
the enterprise Manager and UI have been installed on a MS Server. (All server are Windows 2008R2)

The installation is done correctlty without any issue. but we have the following Problems:
-The nworksEventLog is not created on server running the nworks Virtual Infrastructure Collector.
-The views and Dasjboard in SCOM console ar empty.
-The enteprise MAnager does'nt appear in SCOM COnsole.

In Web interface Web for Enterprise Manager, we added a Vcenter, we can see all hosts connected to this server.

in Server runing the collectro we have the following error Message:

The Windows Event Log Provider is still unable to open the nworksEventLog event log on computer ' The Provider has been unable to open the nworksEventLog event log for 720 seconds.

Most recent error details: The specified channel could not be found. Check channel configuration.

One or more workflows were affected by this.

Workflow name: nworks.VMware.VEM.Collector.SV060
Instance name: nworks Virtual Infrastructure Collector
Instance ID: {B0EC627A-D5E2-E02D-04BE-7616DB5BB78A}

Irina Simkina
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Irina Simkina »

Hello lourhmati,
Could you please open the support case with and provide us the following information:
1. check the registry on a machine where the Collector is installed for the key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\nworksEventLog
is it presented?
2. send us nworksVic.InstallLog
3. check rights for the user the Collector is installed with - it should be the administrator on a VEM service to have all rights for operations with the EventLog and the registry.

Thank you,
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Full Name: Lourhmat iElmostafa

Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by lourhmati »


Thanks for your reply

I tried to troublshoot the compatibility mode for nworksVIC .exe. i launched it with Windows xp sp2 compatibility mode on a server running Windows 2008R2. it installed correctly and the Eventlog is created correctly. and the collector start to feed SCOm console. i thank , it was a compatibility issue with Windows 2008 R2.

But I have some issues:
- The Enterprise manager doesn't appear in SCOM Console
- The VI-API is enabled only one collector in SCOM console, but i have enabled the load balance for both collectors in Enterprise Manager console. the both collectors are actives.

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Full Name: Vincent

Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by vrm »

- The VI-API is enabled only one collector in SCOM console
Looks like the same issue we have here. We have the _VIC State healthy on both VIC's in SCOM. Only one VI-Api Link is enabled and that's the first VIC on the VEM server.

Do you have allready fixed this issue?
Irina Simkina
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Irina Simkina »

- The Enterprise manager doesn't appear in SCOM Console
Do you have the SCOM agent on the machine where the nworks Enterprise manager is running on?

- The VI-API is enabled only one collector in SCOM console, but i have enabled the load balance for both collectors in Enterprise Manager console. the both collectors are actives.

Could you please clarify "The VI-API is enabled only one collector in SCOM console"?
As I see from your post, you have 2 active collectors and both of them are discovered in the _VIC State but something wrong with the _VI-API Connections?
How many connected servers do you have? Do you have data (topology and performance metrics) from both collectors or only from one of them?

It would be greate if you could open the support case and provide us logs of the collectors and event logs from the VEM machines for getting us the whole picture of the problem.

Thank you,
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Full Name: Lourhmat iElmostafa

Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by lourhmati »

Could you please clarify "The VI-API is enabled only one collector in SCOM console"?
I installed Two Collectors:
In nworks Enterprise Manager , we configure the Loadbalance, so both both nworks collector are Active ( if only one is active the second will be inactive/standby). In my case , both collectors are Active

In SCOm Console (Monitoring), we have checking the following Views:
Under nworks VmWare
_VI-API Connections:
We have both collectors but only one have a VI-API Link

Under Virtual Infrasructure Collectors :

_VIC State:
We have both collectors. but the column VI-API Link , this feature is enabled only for one collector.
_VIC Connections state:
Only one collector, (that have VI-API connection).

In Performance views, I see both Collectors, only in VIC Memory Usage, i see 3 instances (nworksVIC, nworksVIC1 and nworks64) for one collector and only one for the second.

For the enterprise manager server, i reinstalled the application as a windows xp sp2 programm with elevated previleges. it's installed correctly and the server appear now in SCOM console.

NB: all components cannot be installed as a Windows 2008 R2 applications even it launched with run as administrator option. the installation fail in last step of setup process. they can be installed as a Windows 2008 sp1 or windows xp sp2.


I checked, the nworksEvenlog one both Collectors, Both are collecting the informations from Vcenter Servers.
Irina Simkina
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Irina Simkina »

Thank you, I see...

First, installation on the Windows 2008 R2 is supported and if it fails it's better to find the reason.

And we definitely need collector's logs to see if the collection works and topology is being populated into SCOM.
Could you please Export logs and upload it to our support?

Thank you,
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Full Name: Sven Wells

Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by wellssh »

Was the issue regarding the "VI-API LINK" column displayed as blank resolved?
We have the same issue: added a 3rd Collector server, moved some objects from other Collector Servers,everything seems "green/healthy", events are being processed, but the _VIC State View doesn't display any information about the VI-API Link in that column for the new Collector. The _VIC Connection State View doesn't display the newly created/built Collector Server.

Irina Simkina
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Irina Simkina »

Hi Sven,

It's more likely the 3rd collector is not discovered yet and you simply need to wait for some time. It could take up to 4 hours.
Please verify. If you still don't have the collector in the _VIC... view, please open the support case using the online form.

With best regards,
Frederic Oriol
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Frederic Oriol »

We still have the problem that the original poster described: the _ESX Host State view is empty. Is there anything that should be checked?
Alec King
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Re: Veeam Collector issue

Post by Alec King » 1 person likes this post

Hi Frederic,

The first thing to confirm, is - have all your Collector(s) been discovered in the _Enterprise Manager state view?
SCOM must discover Collector applications first, this is the first stage. All discovery of ESX, VM etc will follow from that.

Assuming Collector(s) are discovered OK, then please check that the SCOM Agent is enabled for Proxy mode.
SCOM Console - Administration - Agent-Managed computers. Double-click the agent where Collector(s) run and check the security tab. 'Allow to act as Proxy' must be checked. Without this, the SCOM management server will reject our attempts to build the VMware topology.

Once the above is confirmed, then use the 'Rebuild Full Topology' button in nworks UI (Enterprise Manager tab) to force a rediscovery of all VMware obects.

Hope that helps, if you still have issues let us know!
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