"it looks like indeed we are not able to compile the info about guest disk usage for Linux based VMs on Hyper-V
as the machines don't have WMI"
I have not found anything on the Internet in this aspect. So I started to solve the problem myself.
I started wmi pod centos 7 (wbem / sblim-sfcb)
Code: Select all
● sblim-sfcb.service - Small Footprint CIM Broker Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sblim-sfcb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-01-19 11:41:24 CET; 4h 39min ago
Main PID: 17284 (sfcbd)
CGroup: /system.slice/sblim-sfcb.service
├─17284 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
├─17285 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
├─17287 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
├─17288 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
├─17290 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
└─17293 / usr / sbin / sfcbd
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Max Http procs: 8
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- sfcbd HTTP Daemon V1.3.16 configured for port 5988 - 17287
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- sfcbd HTTP Daemon V1.3.16 configured for port 5989 - 17287
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- sfcbd HTTP Daemon V1.3.16 configured for socket / tmp / sfcbHttpSocket - 17287
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Using Basic Authentication
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Select timeout: 5 seconds
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Keep-alive timeout: 15 seconds
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Maximum requests per connection: 10
Jan 19 11:41:24 sfcbd [17284]: --- Caching ClassProvider for / var / lib / sfcb / registration / repository / root / cimv2 / classSchemas (1.0-3) using 2576 bytes