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Reduce data collection time from 1 hour to 10 minutes

Post by blackpearl »

I am trying to figure out how to reduce time for Data Collection for like every 10 minutes.
This is required for me because I am trying to use Veeam Web Client as monitoring system and put a customized dashboard on a big screen TV
And status are not updating until manual data collection as taken.
I've managed to successfully do Data Collection through REST API but thing is token is always expiring.
And also, don't know how to call specific POST from PowerShell etc.
Anyway to run data collection manually? somehow? scheduled PowerShell will be good also.
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Re: Reduce data collection time from 1 hour to 10 minutes

Post by RomanK »

Hello blackpearl,

Update timeout is hard coded for the many widgets, but the frequency also depends on the data collection mode and data collection speed.
Some of the widgets, by default, have 15 minutes refresh, for example. The most common is 1 hour though.
token is always expiring
When the access token expires, use the refresh token.

However, running manually just a data collection will not force the widget data refresh.

Could you please clarify what widgets are on your dashboard and what data collection mode is set?

Andreas Neufert
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Re: Reduce data collection time from 1 hour to 10 minutes

Post by Andreas Neufert »

Would like to add that there is a functionality in Veeam ONE specifically build for Network Operations Center (NOC) screens. ... ml?ver=120

Maybe it will address more your demand.
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