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Remote or local database

Post by matteu »


I see in veeam documentation remote sql is recommended.
I have only arround 70 vm (vmware) to monitor and 1 vbr server and 1 vbm365.

I m thinking about install sql standard in the same vm than veeamone because it s a small environment but I would like to know what do you think about it ?

If I would have 500 vm I would not ask...

Thanks for your advices.
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Full Name: Jorge de la Cruz

Re: Remote or local database

Post by jorgedlcruz »

Hello matteu,
As long as you follow the sizing guidelines from the guide, I know it is for large deplyoments, but the components and vCPU/RAM are very well explained: ... ml?ver=120

You can group your SQL inside the Veeam ONE Server, yes, but bear in mind the resources, please. A server with a very heavy SQL (Veeam ONE is an application where if you enable VMware Monitoring + Veeam Monitoring, it will be happily busy), might make your Veeam ONE console and reports experience a bit slow.

As long as you size it properly. Yes I saw customers with an all-in-one, with a few hundreds VMs, and never had an issue with proper sizing.

Best regards
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

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Re: Remote or local database

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer
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