Monitoring and reporting for Veeam Data Platform
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Full Name: Allen Fann

RPC server is unavailable

Post by afang »

Hi all,

I've deployed veeam one and it monitors everything from the vCenter side, but it has problems with my veeam B&R/EM server. It fails to get performance data from my proxies, and performance data in general (i/o latency, cpu/mem usage).

I'd like to think I've exhausted a ton of validation attempts. I've
- Set firewall rules ( ... ml?ver=110)
- Opened and successfully pinged ports for VONE -> VBR/BEM ( ... ml?ver=110)
- Set user group and role permissions on Windows and Veeam ( ... ml?ver=110)
- Set WMI permissions ( ... ml?ver=110)
- Successfully tested WMI connection for both VeeamEM and VeeamBS namespaces (
- Confirmed that the two servers (VONE, VBR/BEM) are on the same domain and workgroup

I had a case #05781096, but I we were led to believe it was an issue on the VBR side, which opened another case #05806030. How do I pinpoint a VONE issue on VBR/BEM when everything on VBR/BEM seems fine?
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Re: RPC server is unavailable

Post by RomanK »

Hello Allen,

Thanks for the case #.
It is hard to imagine what is going on but I believe our engineers will find the cause of this issue. Feel free to escalate the ticket (talk to manager button within the support portal), if you are not satisfied with the quality or time of response.

Just in case. Did you try to add the VBR server instead of EM? Do you have only one affected VBR server or there are more? Any chance that performance metric collection was disabled?

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