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Unusual job duration

Post by matteu »


I would like to know how to avoid false positive with this alarm.
Does increase analysis depth to higher number could help me ?
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Re: Unusual job duration

Post by RomanK »

Hello matteu,

This alarm is simple, with no hidden logic under the hood. But I could agree that fine-tuning could be tricky.
The alarm is triggered if the duration of a job session is above the specified percentage. To get this percentage, Veeam ONE takes the latest X sessions, where X is analysis depth, and then calculates the average value. That would be your 100%.

So, yes, increasing analysis depth could help. However, we do not know your real numbers and nobody knows how they will change in the future. You should experiment with analysis depth and percentage in the alarm rule to get the desired outcome anyway.

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Re: Unusual job duration

Post by matteu »

Thanks for your answer
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