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Veeam Calculator Update

Post by vcharlie » 9 people like this post

Hi everyone
I run the Solution Architects team at Veeam for the Americas. My team have been working on updating and extending capacity calculators for use by the Veeam team, partners and customers. We worked in close collaboration with Product Management, R&D and our CIS team to overhaul the formulae and update the user experience. I am happy to report that the updated calculators are now generally available at

A couple of notes:
  • the calculators are, of course, estimates. Your mileage may vary given the innumerable variables in any IT environment.
  • the new calculators use new, updated maths developed in collaboration with the product teams, and have a new UI. This is focused on capacity, however some compute guidance is offered in the result 'Details' where appropriate.
  • we worked to cover more common Veeam scenarios than before, i.e. beyond just VBR or VB365. Therefore, the calcs cover things like unstructured data, cloud, databases, CDP, Veeam ONE etc.
  • the Scenario Builder (formerly VSE) still has the old-style UI (I know some folks love it) but uses the new maths engine on the backend. We have a long list of feature requests and plans for updates here - watch this space.
  • the 'old' calcs are still available and accessible (for now) under 'Previous Versions' from the splash page should you still want to use them.
Thanks everyone, and I hope you like the new calcs!

Huge thanks to
@adam_c , @david.tosoff for leading these updates, and all the SA and PM teams for contributing to this effort.
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Re: Veeam Calculator Update

Post by RubinCompServ »

Thank you @vcharlie!
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Re: Veeam Calculator Update

Post by squebel » 2 people like this post

The new calcs are great. However, there are a couple of things still amiss.

There is no representation of simple FFI jobs. No matter what I do, it seems to always assume that a weekly full is going to be run. We provide plenty of 14 day and 30 day FFI jobs but the calculator is throwing in Fulls every 7 days and really raising the estimated space.

This also affects job calculations where you're doing 30 daily and then 6 monthly GFS copies and only taking monthly synthetic Fulls. The result is a an output that represents way too many Fulls which again drastically increases the estimated space.
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