I was then motivated to test this API using PowerShell and would like to share what I've learned.
This script is also available on Github with plenty of documentation. link to Github
Please share your thoughts and any ideas you may have for improvements.
Code: Select all
Mark Telier
Veeam ONE 11 RESTFul API Tutorial
Demonstrate connecting to API and pulling data
function Connect-VeeamAPI {
param (
[string] $AppUri,
[pscredential] $Cred
begin {
$header = @{
"Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"accept" = "application/json"
$body = @{
"grant_type" = "password"
"username" = $cred.UserName
"password" = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().password
"refresh_token" = " "
"rememberMe" = " "
$requestURI = $veeamAPI + $appUri
$tokenRequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestURI -Headers $header -Body $body -Method Post -Verbose
Write-Output $tokenRequest.access_token
function Get-VeeamAPI {
param (
[string] $AppUri,
[string] $Token
begin {
$header = @{
"accept" = "application/json"
"Authorization" = "Bearer $Token"
$requestURI = $veeamAPI + $AppUri
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $requestUri -Headers $header
Write-Output $results
# ---------- DEFINE VARIABLES ---------- #
$veeamAPI = "https://veeamone.acme.com:1239"
$cred = Get-Credential -Message "Veeam One Credentials" -UserName "ACME\username"
# ignore self signed certificate or request failS
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
# ---------- REQUEST TOKEN ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/token"
$token = Connect-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Cred $cred
# ---------- REQUEST ABOUT ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/about"
Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# ---------- REQUEST INSTALLATION INFO ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/about/installationInfo"
Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# ---------- REQUEST LICENSE ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/license"
Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# ---------- REQUEST CURRENT USAGE ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/license/currentUsage"
Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# ---------- REQUEST DASHBOARDS ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards"
Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# ---------- WIDGET RESOURCE EXAMPLE ---------- #
$appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards"
# get all dashboards
$dashboards = Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# select dashboard ids
$vbrDashID = ( $dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "Veeam Backup and Replication" ).dashboardId
$vsphereTrendDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere Trends").dashboardId
$vsphereAlarmDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere Alarms").dashboardId
$vsphereHostDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere Hosts and Clusters").dashboardId
$vsphereDatastoreDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere Datastores").dashboardId
$vsphereVMDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere VMs").dashboardId
$vsphereInfraDashID = ($dashboards | Where-Object -Property "Name" -Like "vSphere Infrastructure").dashboardId
# get VBR dashboard
# $appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards/1"
$appURI = $appURI + "/$vbrDashID"
$vbrDash = Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# select widgets
$vbrWidgets = $vbrDash.dashboardWidgets
# select widget ids
$infraWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Backup Infrastructure Inventory").widgetId
$vmsWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Backup Infrastructure Inventory").widgetId
$windowWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Backup Window").widgetId
$topJobWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Top Jobs by Duration").widgetId
$jobStatsWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Jobs Status").widgetId
$topRepoWidgetID = ($vbrWidgets | Where-Object -Property "Caption" -Like "Top Repositories by Used Space").widgetId
# get Backup Infrastructure Inventory Widget
# $appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards/1/widgets/1"
$appURI = $appURI + "/widgets/$infraWidgetID"
$infraWidget = Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# get BackupAlarmsOverview ???
# $appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards/1/widgets/1/datasources"
$appURI = $appURI + "/datasources"
$infraWidget = Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# select ID
$infraWidgetID = $infraWidget.datasourceId
# get Backup Infrastructure Inventory
# $appURI = "/api/v1/dashboards/1/widgets/1/datasources/58/data?forceRefresh=false"
$appURI = $appURI + "/$infraWidgetID/data?forceRefresh=false"
$infraData = Get-VeeamAPI -AppUri $appURI -Token $token
# We finally have our data
$infraData.data | Format-Table
# Tidy up the output
$report = @()
foreach ($item in $infraData.data) {
$props = [ordered]@{
"Object" = ($item.name -replace "\(.*\)").TrimEnd()
"Ok" = $item.noAlarms
"Warning" = $item.warnings
"Error" = $item.errors
$report += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props
# Wrap it in HTML
$outFile = "C:\Temp\VeeamONEReport.html"
$Header = @"
table {
font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
th {
padding-top: 12px;
padding-bottom: 12px;
text-align: left;
background-color: #4CAF50;
color: white;
<title>Report Title</title>
$htmlReport = $report | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
ConvertTo-Html -Body $htmlReport -Head $Header | Out-File $outFile
Invoke-Item $outFile
# Send to an inbox
$htmlBody = ConvertTo-Html -Body $htmlReport -Head $Header | Out-String
$message = @{
To = 'roadrunner@acme.com'
From = 'postmaster@acme.com'
Subject = 'Test Report'
Body = $htmlBody
SmtpServer = 'emailserver.acme.com'
Send-MailMessage -BodyAsHtml @message