Code: Select all
07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Predefined dialog engine initialization completed
[07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Initialization completed.
[07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Total number of dialogs: 22
[07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Serialization mode disabled, skipping.
[07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Wizard instance created.
[07.03.2017 11:14:08][INFO] Engine is starting...
[07.03.2017 11:14:38][INFO] Initializing Prerequisite engine with new list...
[07.03.2017 11:15:06][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 0
[07.03.2017 11:15:06][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 0 completed. Result is True
[07.03.2017 11:15:06][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 1
[07.03.2017 11:15:08][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 1 completed. Result is True
[07.03.2017 11:15:08][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 2
[07.03.2017 11:15:10][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 2 completed. Result is True
[07.03.2017 11:15:10][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 3
[07.03.2017 11:15:10][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 3 completed. Result is True
[07.03.2017 11:15:10][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 4
[07.03.2017 11:15:11][INFO] Executing custom dialog action for 'Service Account Credentials', Product index = 4 completed. Result is True
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Stopping exisitng services...
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service name: VeeamDCS
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service obsolete name: Not specified
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service process: VeeamDCS
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][ERROR] System.Exception: No such service found.
at Veeam.Setup.Common.Util.ServiceManager.InitController()
at Veeam.Setup.Common.Util.ServiceManager.Create(String
serviceName, String processName)
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service is not installed, skipping.
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service name: VeeamRSS
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service obsolete name: Not specified
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service process: Not specified
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][ERROR] System.Exception: No such service found.
at Veeam.Setup.Common.Util.ServiceManager.InitController()
at Veeam.Setup.Common.Util.ServiceManager.Create(String
serviceName, String processName)
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Service is not installed, skipping.
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Exisitng services have been stopped.
[07.03.2017 11:15:25][INFO] Installing Install-Stage prereqs...
[07.03.2017 11:23:41][INFO] Exception occurred (Veeam products installation section).
Info: System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at Veeam.Setup.Wizard.VmInstallStagePrereqEngine.Install()
at Veeam.Setup.Wizard.PredefinedDialogs.VmInstallDialog.m_installWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)