sorry if it was answered allready
I have a backup job with a vm selection via VMware tags.
For guest processing i want set all vms in the vSphere folder linux to be copy only. Disable it, so to speak.
I am able to configure it. But the backup job always want to connect to the linux vms.
Is this even possible or is this a limitation for selection via tags?
I am on v11 right now.
I'm not sure, how the software should decide, whether you want to enable or disable it.
Adding the VM explicitly overrides the "container" settings (tags / folders). Maybe you can test changing the order of the tags / folders in the application aware settings vs. the virtual machines you add to the job (I did not test that).
i have one job with the whole vSphere datacenter selected and AAIP exclude via vSphere folder still does not work.
I understand the logic behind explicitly selected vms to override.
Imho it would be great if disable always overrides enable, no matter what object type you select. Similar to filesystem permissions.
So the only way to achieve my goal is the select vms explicitly. Sadly, that is very static.
Thanks Karsten, seems like I was a bit confused, what I had in my head was the linux/windows distinction on the guest file indexing settings. but now it can be considered as a feature request
I wonder why this doesn't work for you, as I'm handling it the same way.
In the job selection I choose the vCenter or cluster object, and then under guest processing disable application aware processing for certain folders.
So AAP-disabled objects/containers do overwrite the enabled ones.
fyi: If you use tags, excludes via infrastructure objects like folders dont work.
Excludes via folders do work in combination with infrastructure objects like datacenter.