Failed to preprocess target Error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. Failed to write data into file [\\DR4000\share\folder\jobname.vbm_tmp] --tr:Error code: 0x0000045d --tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [FcWriteFileEx] inParam: [<InputArguments><FilePath value="\\DR4000\share\folder\jobname.vbm_tmp" /><DesiredAccess value="1073741824" /><ShareMode value="0" /><CreationDisposition value="3" /><FlagsAndAttrs value
Unable to create target storage, processing will be retried (retry 1 out of 6)
No changes have been made to Veeam Server nor DR4000.
This kind of errors points to the issue with your backup storage, I recommend to take a closer look at the storage device/disks.
Can you mount it to any Windows/Linux box to avoid using CIFS?