Since we have had our Veeam Infrastructure (two years or so) I have had issues with the way Backup Copy works. It feels too inflexible and perhaps it ticks the boxes for most but it doesn't for me and I have seen others out there with similar issues. (A quick bit of background first to give context. We have need of a backup copy off site. And then two archive copies one on site and one off (that doesn't seem too specific). So what we really needed was monthly restore points with backup copy. I will not go into the testing I carried out here originally, the ins and outs of my task scheduled/script backup job I need to stop using or other difficulties)
1) My biggest issue is that a lot of what is part of Backup Copy now could (probably) be made optional and more versatile by the provision of check boxes and disclaimers in the Wizard:
The timing of full restore points which happens the day before the backup is inconvenient for time sensitive backups. And you can only gain control of by using the registry setting (post332913.html#p332913), or by forward dating the GFS restore points.
When a full restore point is taken the previous chain is not deleted until another complete chain has been completed. Ok for a week but a pain for a month as you end up with two months worth which is silly (especially when you don't care about the increments).
The repository must be different which is good working practice. But when you have common sense and an off site location but want to keep archive data onsite as well it just forces you to create a sub folder that you then make a repository (or something) as we don't all have storage coming out of our ears.
2) The retention options and the interim increment retention work for forever forward or someone who is doing GFS for weekly AND monthly AND whatever else you may require. But less so for others.
3) Not having a backup job method out of the box which allows for full only restore points seems or has GFS retention seems a shame.
Now I am writing this it feels like I have missed some but I can't think of any others at the moment.
Hi Simon, thanks for the detailed feedback. v10 will have some improvements in this area, let's see whether it addresses some (or maybe even all) of your points.