when i start a backup, backup job failed.
Veeam version is 9.5.4 and my repository is Data Domain.
I opened a case, case number is 03887536.
Could you please help me to solve this error.
Code: Select all
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error Failed to call RPC function 'DDBoostGetStorageInfo': illegal operation. Err: 5037. Failed to connect to storage. Storage: datadomain, User: OSTUSER.. InParams: '<InputArguments><Storage value="datadomain" /></InputArguments>'.
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error illegal operation. Err: 5037
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error Failed to connect to storage. Storage: datadomain, User: OSTUSER
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to complete RPC request. Method: [DDBoostGetStorageInfo], In XML: [<InputArguments><Storage value="datadomain" /></InputArguments>]
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to invoke RPC request
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [DoSerialRpc] inParam: [<InputArguments/>].
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary. Method: [DoSerialRpc], In xml: [<InputArguments/>]
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to do RPC call with serialized data, Strategy type: DefaultStrategy
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to call [DoSerialRpc], session id: {d9774d88-e6f2-4036-90cf-42c31689a381}
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error --tr:Failed to call [DDBoostGetStorageInfo] (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at VeeamProxyClient.GenerateComException(basic_string<char\,std::char_traits<char>\,std::allocator<char> >* excMsg, Int32 errHrCode)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at VeeamProxyClient.RegenerateCLRException(exception* excBase)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at VeeamProxyClient.CCliProxyRpcInvoker.DoRpc(String cmdName, String inXml, String& outXml)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error Failed to determine virtual synthetic DDBoost options
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error Failed to obtain information about storage datadomain (System.Exception)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyDDBoostFileCommander.GetStorageInfo(String storageName)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CDDBoostOptionsDeterminer.IsVirtualSyntheticsEnabled()
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CDDBoostOptionsDeterminer.IsVirtualSyntheticsEnabledSafe()
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error illegal operation. Err: 5037 (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppCOMException)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error Failed to connect to storage. Storage: cevvaldd.tcloud.local, User: OSTUSER (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to complete RPC request. Method: [DDBoostGetStorageInfo], In XML: [<InputArguments><Storage value="datadomain" /></InputArguments>]
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to invoke RPC request
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpc. CmdName: [DoSerialRpc] inParam: [<InputArguments/>].
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary. Method: [DoSerialRpc], In xml: [<InputArguments/>]
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to call DoRpcWithBinary
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to do RPC call with serialized data, Strategy type: DefaultStrategy
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to call [DoSerialRpc], session id: {d9774d88-e6f2-4036-90cf-42c31689a381}
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error in c++: Failed to call [DDBoostGetStorageInfo]
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyRpcInvoker.Call(String methodName, CProxyInvokeInputArg inputArgs, Boolean secureCall)
[03.12.2019 10:10:10] <01> Error at Veeam.Backup.ProxyProvider.CProxyDDBoostFileCommander.GetStorageInfo(String storageName)