Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Backup Suggestion

Post by B.F. »

When backing up a VM to a disk (not replication) and the actual backup itself is done, Veeam, or should I say VMware, goes through the motions of removing the VM's snapshot. Then after the snapshot is completed on the VMware side, I see that any merging of the incrementals that needs to take place then starts up.

Is there a particular reason why these two processes need to be done separately? If the backup is done, could the snapshot removal and the backup merger be done at the same time? This would really help in reducing the amount of time a backup job takes if these processes are simultaneous instead of being done in sequence.

Veeam Software
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Re: Backup Suggestion

Post by foggy »

Thanks for the suggestion. I do not see the reasons against it from the top of my head. Deserves at least an internal discussion.
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