- Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs - backup every file that has changed in the last 45 days (modify date less than 30 days). Backup to disk, duplicate to tape.
- Fri - full backup to disk, duplicate to tape.
- 4 tapes in use during the week (a Monday tape that is used every Monday,etc)
- 5 different Friday tapes that rotate and are labeled FRI-1, FRI-2, etc, for the # of the Friday in the month.
- Retire a Friday set once a quarter or so if feeling nervous,or once a year if not.
Any issues/comments with this process? Not sure it matters, but my current infrastructure is one host in use (+one avail for replication) with 6 guests (Dell 2 cpu rack server, VMWare, GB network, no WAN backup, closed on weekends). I have never done replication, but might in the future (going virtual freed up a physical box).