I am currently evaluting Veeam B&R. Instant VM recovery is important for us. So I have done some testing.
It works fine, meaning that the VM starts on another host directly from the backup file.
Then I understood there were a few options when moving the VM (running in "recovery mode") back to a production environment.
The first i tested was Migrating from the backup host to a new host with "Migrate..." from vCetner. (not using Veeam for it) It took some time, but it was working.
The VM booted at in the production environment, and I was able to log on and use it normaly.
I guessed Veeam might do it better,

Just had to try the same with Migration from B&R.
So I deleted the just restored VM from the production server and "instant restored" the VM again, and Migrated from B&R while the VM was running, the process felt faster (without using clock)
The VM booted, and it the Win2008 R2 VM can stand "ready for login" forever, but as soon as I log in I get the BSOD.

The Migration with vCenter was done with the VM powerd off.(I dont have shared storage for the test so this was my only option)
The Migration from Veeam B&R was first done with the VM running.(witch is one reason for using it...)
As a last test i did a B&R migration with the VM powered off, the VM was working fine after migration
(this time it felt like it took the same time as running migration it from vCetner)
Does this mean that its not possbile to use B&R Migration on a running VM?
Any ideas..?