I just tried out the storage integration with our Pure FlashArray. It works so far, but we get a funny thing when restoring VMs from storage snapshots -> VMware tells us that the restored VM needs disk consoliation right after successful VM registration in VMware. Doing the consolidation seems to wor fine, but it seems odd to me that we would have to do this after successful restore (from a Veeam point of view).
Is this normal? I don't think so as a quick search on google did not show up any usable results - so proabably this is not quite the expeced/known behavior

What we do:
1. Create Backup Job with Backup repository "Pure Storage Snapshot (Primary storage snapshot only)", no secondary target (so Storage Snap only), have VMware Tools quiescence enabled
2. Run backup Job (success btw.)
3. Execute Restore -> Instant recovery -> From storage snapshot
4. Configure the restore "to a new location" as a new VM (no overwrite of existing VM)
5. Run the restore
Any input? Thanks in advance!