Same issue here, ticket ID 03192805.
The guest helper logs:
Code: Select all
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Collecting VSS info.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Initializing VSS subsystem.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Creating VSS backup components.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Initializing for backup.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Setting backup state to VSS_BT_LOG.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Disabling VSS writers.
13/09/2018 21:00:46 7348 Collecting VSS writers metadata.
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 Initializing VSS subsystem.. Failed.
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 Collecting VSS info.. Failed.
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 ERR Failed to collect component info: class util::CHostVssInfo
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 ERR Cannot collect VSS info.
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 ERR Cannot initialize VSS subsystem.
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 ERR Timed out waiting for GatherWriterMetadata() to complete in GetHostInformation().
13/09/2018 21:30:46 584 ERR VSS error: VSS_S_ASYNC_PENDING. Code:0x42309
All other VMs are fine.
Things that have changed recently in our environment:
Upgrade from vCenter 6.5 to 6.7
Most recent Windows Server 2016 patches being installed on the Veeam Servers. (Not the VM in question though)
Reissued vCenter certificates
We've tried a reboot of the server, and restarted the VSS admin service.
I've noticed that post failure of the backup, our scheduled VSS snapshots are also failing until I restart the VSS service. After which they run properly until the next Veeam backup is run.