Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Deciding on storage for veeam setup

Post by mitch179 »

I bet this has been asked a million times but I'm trying to plan a storage setup for our veeam deployment. There are so many options it's a pretty daunting task!

I'm sold on the product it looks great and will do what I want, now I have to decide how I'm going to store all the data etc. I was thinking about using an HP x1600 G2 storage system and running Veeam on it to backup all or VM's, can anyone see issues with this setup? While we should have a decent budget for this project it has to be done right as it probably won't get any more money thrown at it for a long time after it's established so I'm very open to suggestions!

I was then going to attach a tape auto loader and use a 3rd party piece of software to backup the data to tape (probably backup exec as I've had a lot of experience with it), is there any issues with another backup application co-existing with Veeam? All it will be used for is to move the backups to tape as we need an off line backup, it's a business requirement.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Deciding on storage for veeam setup

Post by Vitaliy S. »

I see no issues with your scenario. As to BE and Veeam B&R co-existence, then this scenario is widely spread among our existing customers, who offload their backups to tapes. See this topic for more details: Best Practice for putting Veeam Backups on Tape?

Also since you're going to use tapes as destination targets for your backup files, I would recommend you to use forward incremental backup mode with synthetic backup scheduled once a week.

There is more infromation in our sticky F.A.Q., so please check it out: >>> READ FIRST : [FAQ] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS <<<

Hope this helps!
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Re: Deciding on storage for veeam setup

Post by mitch179 »

Awesome, good to know I'm on the right track, thanks for you reply!
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