I am currently testing Veeam9s DirectNFS mode using ESX5.5u2 and Ontap 8.2.3 7mode and I am going slightly insane here.
I moved some test-VMs over to some new NFS storages in a storage cluster and backing them up using Veeam. This works fine, DirectNFS is used.
But: Not all VMs use DirectNFS, some VMs, notably running Windows VMs will most times (but not always) get backupped using Hotadd or NBD (depending on the Proxy setting). Linux VMs don't show this problem.
But I cannot figure out why. What I already did:
- moved the VM to a different NFS datastore
- switched off the VM (this resulted in the VM getting saved via NFS)
- noticed it was always the same proxy using Hotadd/NBD -> switched off the proxy -> same problem on different proxy
- rebooted all proxies -> nope, still showing
- noticed VMware Tools where out of date -> updated VMware Tools -> nope, problem persists
It also can't be a contention problem on the storage or the proxy, because even if I do a single QuickBackup of a VM showing this anomaly and no other jobs are running, Hotadd/NBD still gets selected over DirectNFS.
I even read the log files on the proxy but there are no errors or warnings visible.
Does anybody else also see this? What can I try, what have I missed to check?
Since this no serious error and I am still in the testing stage of that setup, I don't want to submit a case right away. Maybe someone here has additional ideas.