some backup fail it with error that write it .
what should i do ?
Error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. Cannot connect to socket. --tr:Failed to initialize agent ( specified agent path: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Veeam\Backup Transport\x64\VeeamAgent.exe], arguments: [ -g"2500-5000" -i"{224b83d7-d4b4-4446-a7e6-8b5327c99f94}" -t -l"flush,C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\Veeam_BVcenter_BITC_BWWW6.DMZ.AC.IR/Agent.Veeam_BVcenter_BITC_BWWW6.DMZ.AC.IR.Target.log" -f 25 --vddkLogLevel 1 --maxPendingBlocks 10000 -n -x"{6d61d1e9-d3bb-4822-993
I had this exact error, but the resolution wasn't posted here. The issue for me was that the Proxy was having issues causing the job to fail. The tip for me was when VEEAM support asked for logs and the proxy failed with the exact error as above during the log collection. I rebooted the proxy VM and that resolved the issue.