I need your help. Has anyone configured the Veeam Backup environment with VMC? I want to backup a on-premise VM to a SOBR with an EC2 instance (and EBS volume) and an S3 Bucket.
The backup went fine. I now want to restore the VM directly to VMC by following this design guide: https://d1.awsstatic.com/architecture-d ... on-aws.pdf
I configured the VMC vCenter in Veeam and configured the restore parameters (SDDC Host, Resource Pool, vSAN Datastore, Network, ...) and used the cloudadmin@vmc.local as user. The restore process starts but immediately throws an error like this:
Restore job failed Error: A connection with the server could not be established. Failed to send HTTP GET request.
Am I missing something or do you encountered a similar error? I am on Veeam 10a
thanks for your reply. I now tried to backup a VM running on VMC The snapshots were created successfully, but the error remains the same as mentioned above.
I am able to ping and access to vCenter SDDC on port 443 from the EC2 instance (traffic between Veeam Repository and Veeam Proxy)
OK thanks. Did you add the vcenter by the full qulified domain name or by IP address?
As well dod you have a proxy or the B&R Server running directly on the SDDC ?
I configured the SDDC vCenter by using its FQDN. The B&R Server runs on-premise and I have a Windows Proxy VM on the SDDC. In the Test-Backup Job I configured to use the specific Proxy on SDDC in order to write to the Repository in the VMC-VPC. For testing purposes I openned all traffic from/to SDDC and VMC-VPC's ACL/Security Group and also on the ENI which interconnects AWS with VMC.
Can you rescan the Repository from your B&R Server?
It is a tricky configuration as the B&R Server pontentially need access to the Repository server over another connection.
Just for a test. Setup another Windows Repository on the Proxy Server and use it to backup an empty VM just to test that this is working fine and there is not issue there.
When this is running I can explain further steps. We just need to make sure that we working on the right issue.
I now moved a step forward. I found out that the Proxy on SDDC needs to talk to the vCenter SDDC. I enabled the rule on NSX and now it goes forward until it throws out the next error:
Failed to open VDDK disk [[WorkloadDatastore] ] ( is read-only mode - [true] )
Tried with hotadd and Network Mode - are there other permissions I need or some special setups needed? The User I configured is the cloudadmin@vmc.local - so I think it should have already the necessary permissions
I read the documentation twice, and verified also the proxy-logs. I found that the Proxy on SDDC does not only need access to the vCenter on port 443 but also access to the ESXi Host itself at port 902. In the Proxy Logs the entry was:
OK thanks...
But it is not allowed to open port 902 for backup purpose. I is not a supported configuration.
If you add the vcenter to Veeam Backup & Replication (latest version), we will check the vcenter address that you type in. If it is ending with vmwarevmc.com we will enable out VMC specific processing.
The only supported backup and restore mode is "hotadd" in a special VMC version.
So I would work on this please (set proxy to Auto) and disable the TCP port 902 again.
Then make sure that the Proxy running is directly running on the SDDC is selected in the backup job.
OK, I now removed the access to port 902 and the error returns. Here my config:
Veeam B&R version: Build: P20201202
The vCenter in the Inventory was added with the vmwarevmc.com dns-name, the DNS-Resolution resolves the hostname with it's internal (private) ip.
The Proxy running on SDDC hast as Transport Mode "Auto"
The specific Proxy has been selected within the Backup Job