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Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache size.

Post by $username »

So am I getting alerts with the following message

"Failed to create global cache
Global cache is disabled due to insufficient cache size on target WAN Accelerator."

We have 5 remote sites and configured all the source WAN caches for 40GB and then set the target WAN cache to 200GBs but gave the disk 300GB in case we needed to grow it.

When I take a look at the target WAN cache it only has 5.73GB left.

VeeamWAN\GlobalCache\trg I see five folders, two of those folders contain very large blobs, on blob being ~200GB and one blob being ~98GB.

My understanding was that when you configure the target WAN cache it would only use the allowed amount (In this case 200GB) so how come it has grown so large?

What size should I have it set to if it needs more space?
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Re: Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache si

Post by marco.horstmann » 1 person likes this post

the target WAN cache you have configured for each connection ROBO->HQ. For each source a 200GB cache will be generated.
You need to setup the value you want per source connection.

Marco Horstmann
Senior System Engineer @ Veeam Software

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Re: Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache si

Post by $username »

So to confirm

at the ROBO I have a 40GB cache, at the HQ I would also want to set the cache size to 40GB??

I thought the HQ cache would be an aggregate of all the ROBO cache sizes plus any overhead for 1TB+ data.
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Re: Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache si

Post by marco.horstmann » 2 people like this post

The cache you configure on source doesn't matter. Set it to 5GB because it is not used. At source we only create digest files.

Take a look into our Best Practice Book ... vmware.pdf

Source Sizing:
2% of source data = digest size (2% of 1,5TB = 30GB)
+ 10GB temp space
+ 5GB for the not used blob-file.
= 45GB diskspace but only 5GB cache configured

Target Sizing
No of OSs * 10GB = space for one side
+ 20GB temp space
+ 1x cachesize for prepopulated cache.

2 OSs (Windows 2008 and 2012) * 10GB * 5 (sides) + 20GB (Tempsize) + 2 OSs (Windows 2008 and 2012) * 10GB = 140GByte
In this example you configure your target cache to 20GB

Marco Horstmann
Senior System Engineer @ Veeam Software

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Re: Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache si

Post by $username »

So I have some follow up questions.

In our use case at the ROBO we have 200GBs at one of the remote sites.

For the source WAN cache that would be

200*.02 = 4GBs for the digest
+10GB for temp data
+5GB for the blob (The 5GB WAN cache that I configure)
= 19GB.

1(Number of OS) * 10GB
+20 GB temp
=1x (5? or would it be 20 since we have four sites with a 5GB source cache?)

So then we would have

1*10*(5 or 20?)+(1*10) = potentially 210GB?

Sorry if my brain isn't understanding this correctly.

So at the target we're not far off, we have a 300GB disk with a 200GB WAN cache, just 10GB below the above numbers but our problem is that the WAN cache has grown to almost 300GB filling the disk.
Veeam Software
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Re: Global cache being disabled due to insufficient cache si

Post by marco.horstmann » 1 person likes this post

In your case this disk space needed
1 OS * 10GB * 5 sites + 20 GB temp space + 10GB cache size (because you have only one OS)= 80GB

Please use 10GB as cachesize at your target accelerator
Marco Horstmann
Senior System Engineer @ Veeam Software

VMware VCP
NetApp NCIE-SAN for 7-Mode and Clustered Ontap
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