I am encounting issues when performing an application-aware backup of a new linux db VM running SuSE 12.5, Oracle 19c.
The host is a Suse 12.5, Oracle 19c db and is currently in use. and struggling working out what is going on. Veeam 10a.
After Getting information from Vsphere it says
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Unable to perform application-aware processing of Oracle database (SID: ???) : Oracle error has occurred. ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
--tr:OracleSession: failed to init server.
--tr:Failed to create oracle session.
--tr:Failed to create oracle session holder. SID: ???.
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[11.05.2021 14:19:03.530] <140193661417216> oralib| Trying to initialize oracle interface with dblink []
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.530] <140193661417216> oralib| Initializing oracle session
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| Initializing oracle session Failed.
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| WARN|Failed to connect as SYSDBA: insufficient privileges or channel error. Connecting by default. Login: XXXX
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| >> |Oracle error has occurred. ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| >> |
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| >> |--tr:OracleSession: failed to init server.
[11.05.2021 14:19:03.600] <140193661417216> oralib| >> |--tr:Failed to create oracle session.
The host was originally cloned from another db VM.
Oracle is running fine on the new VM and is use.
Our DBAs have confirmed all environmental variables are set correctly and /etc/oratab has the correct information.
I have opened a case with Veeam support and they are struggling to see why the application-aware side is failing.
I have tried to compare the original db backup with the clone and it appears not be finding the clone's SID when performing SSH Oracle checks
Original server task log:
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[29.04.2021 13:00:41] <29> Info [SSH oracle] Explore instances. Oracle username: Oracle_user. DbConfig: <dbconfig><dbrecids><db sid="XXX" recId="0" stamp="" firstPassRecId="29897"></db></dbrecids><excludes /></dbconfig>
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[11.05.2021 05:28:09] <20> Info [SSH oracle] Explore instances. Oracle username: Oracle_username. DbConfig: <dbconfig><dbrecids /><excludes /></dbconfig>
Case: 04784718