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How to configure for direct SAN with multiple NIC?

Post by danswartz »

So, I'm moving from NFS back to iSCSI. The SAN has two NICs - is the LAN. is the 10gbe storage network. I configured the iSCSI initiator in the WS 2008R2 proxy and can confirm it is connected to the SAN. Yet, when I run a test job with a VM on a LUN on that SAN, it falls back to NBD. I looked at the logs, I see the Veeam B&R doing some subnet check for the proxy and the SAN appliance (the subnet). Log snippet:

Code: Select all

[ProxyDetector] VMFS LUNs: ['SCST_FIO iSCSI Disk (eui.6130383331393732)'], NAS volumes: <no>
[ProxyDetector] Detecting storage access level for proxy [VMware Backup Proxy]
Testing proxy ip [], netmask []
Testing host ip []
Host [Veeam] - IP address [] is in the same subnet as host [] IP []. Subnet mask [].
Proxy [VMware Backup Proxy] - is in the same subnet as host [VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-4192238]
[ProxyDetector] Proxy [VMware Backup Proxy]: Detecting san access level
[ProxyDetector] Proxy [VMware Backup Proxy]: disks ['6000C298767CA7A9EDCF98E0083B9C74566972747561','6366306363323838766565616D20']
[ProxyDetector] Proxy [VMware Backup Proxy]: No disks are are accessible through san but can failover to network
[ProxyDetector] Detected san storage access level for proxy [VMware Backup Proxy] - [SameSubnetwork]
[ProxyDetector] Detected mode [nbd] for proxy [VMware Backup Proxy]
I've read and re-read the various docs that talk about direct SAN access, and don't see anything that helps. I'm wondering if the proxy code is only aware of the IP address, whereas the iSCSI initiator is using I'll open a case if need be, just want to skip that if anyone sees anything obvious...
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Re: How to configure for direct SAN with multiple NIC?

Post by tsightler »

The network checks are just to verify thanks like NBD level access and aren't applicable to iSCSI. When using Direct SAN with iSCSI configuration is dependent on Windows can see the disks in question. You say that you can confirm the proxy is connected to the SAN, by that do you mean that you can see the devices in Disk Manager?

If you can see the volumes in disk manager, but Veeam doesn't see them, then I'd guess that you configured the SAN access after the proxy components were added and you need to perform a rescan of the proxy to get it to discover all of the LUNs. You can take a look at the Util.VolumesHostDiscover.log file to see the details of the volume discovery.
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Re: How to configure for direct SAN with multiple NIC?

Post by danswartz »

Correct. The LUN is showing as present but offline (as expected.) Thanks for the tip about rescanning the proxy, hadn't thought of that. Stay tuned...
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Full Name: Dan Swartzendruber

Re: How to configure for direct SAN with multiple NIC?

Post by danswartz »

Bingo! That did it, thanks!
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