Maybe there's a very short answer to this long question
I was very anxious to see the difference between v8 and 9 in back-up time, because of Direct NFS Access.
But I'm unable to determine Veeam is using this mode.
- I rescanned the storage after the upgrade to v9, just to be sure.
I got the message:
Code: Select all
Successfully determined NFS exports supported for backup from storage snapshots on storage xxx using NFS client from proxy <ip address of proxy>
After the backup:
I go to Backup & replication > Jobs > Backup
I select a job (vmware tools quiescence is disabled, enable backup from storage snapshots enabled), I click on one of the backupped VM's in the job.
Code: Select all
Action: "Creating snapshot"
Action: "Releasing guest"
Action: "Removing VM snapshot"
Action: "Network traffic will be encrypted"
Action: "Saving [<datastore name>] <VM name>.vmx"
Action: "Saving [<datastore name>] <VM name>.vmxf"
Action: "Saving [<datastore name>] <VM name>.nvram"
Action: "Using backup proxy <ip address of proxy> for retrieving Hard disk 1 data from storage snapshot"
Action: "Hard disk 1 (500 GB) 2.2 GB read at 5MB/s [CBT]"