Processing rate 5Mb/s and took 7:36 to replicate 380Gb of which it actually transferred 139.6GBLoad: Source 2% > Proxy 8% > Network 0% > Target 99%
Dell R710, 2x X5570 @ 2.93/4 cores ea, Perc H700-512Mb w/ 6x 15k 300Gb hard drives in a RAID10. 9VMs w/ 380Gb ESXi v5.1
ProxyDifferent physical server than Source)
Dell R710, 2x X5570 @ 2.93/4 cores ea
900Mb VLS from DC to DR Site (Layer 2)
HP DL180 G6, 2x X5675 @ 3.07/6 cores ea, HP P410-256Mb w/ 8x 7.2rpm SATA 4TB hybrid drives in a RAID10. ESXi v5.5
How can I better identify the bottleneck? Both Veeam Proxy's at both sites are on the same VLan as ESXi. I assume it would be disk, but I can run the below utilities during my backup process and shows I still have plenty of read/write power from the RAID.
AnvilPro Storage Utility
77.09MB/s read for Seq 4Mb / 72.75Mb/s for Seq 4Mb write.