Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Integration with Storage Systems IBM

Post by mporliod »

good morning I read the information on the integration of ibm storage with veeam, but I did not understand what are the benefits and functions that I can have.
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Re: Integration with Storage Systems IBM

Post by foggy »

Hi Massimiliano, in general, backup from storage snapshots significantly speeds up backup and replication operations and reduces the impact of vSphere snapshot removal on your production environment. Storage snapshots are created instantly and allow to remove vSphere snapshot right after that. You read this user guide section to get a better understanding of the backup from storage snapshots process and how it differs from the regular backups. Thanks!
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Full Name: Jorge de la Cruz

Re: Integration with Storage Systems IBM

Post by jorgedlcruz » 1 person likes this post

You can find some more tech descriptions here as well - ... ation.html

Although the second image is wrong, the backup seems to take more time! It is the opposite, and you can see another big advantage, which is the VMware Snapshot time is minimal, almost non-existent. Not only that, but of course, all the traffic and everything is much more efficient, to the point that, using Storage Snapshots, you do not need to mount LUNS into the proxies or anything; all happens automatically.

I can only see benefits of giving Storage snapshots a go, on the customers I had the pleasure to work with, having storage snapshots change dramatically the way how they look at Backups.
Jorge de la Cruz
Senior Product Manager | Veeam ONE @ Veeam Software

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