i'm currently trying to invoke a powershellscript trough the advanced job scripts option with a bat-file, to shutdown and start VMs which have passtrough-devices.
But it seems that the Script isn't either executed or stalled as veeam stays in running pre-job script...
So i have 2 scripts:
1. A bat-file which calls the powershell-script:
Code: Select all
Powershell.exe -Command C:\Backup\powershellskripts\backup_win10_start.ps1
Code: Select all
import-module vmware.powercli
connect-viserver vcsa.local
Get-VM Win10 | Shutdown-VMGuest -confirm:$false
disconnect-viserver -confirm:$false
Manually calling the batch file from a cmd works and my VM gets shutdown but in Veeam it stays at "running pre-job script" and if i cancel the job it stays at the "running post-job script".
Killing the cmd/powershell process in the task manager also won't change the fact that veeam still trys to run the job-script...
Unfortunately https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... l?ver=95u4
doesn't offer some examples
Is there any way to put those scripts which are called in the foreground to see where it stalls? And can we change the timeout values?