1. Either "Getting VM info from vSphere" or "Preparing source proxy X for disk Hard disk Y [hotadd]" task fails with "Error: Client not connected."
The VeeamAgentxxxxxxxx-yyyy-zzzz-aaaa-bbbbbbbbbbbb executable file remains in the /tmp directory of the proxy.
Sometimes other tasks in the job are influenced and fail as well (despite using a different proxy).
2. Copying a specific disk remains hanging with some of these errors:
Code: Select all
[i]Error: Unstable connection: unable to transmit data.
Failed to upload disk.
Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}.
Exception from server: End of file
Unable to retrieve next block transmission command. Number of already processed blocks: [2664].
Failed to download disk 'Device '\\.\PhysicalDrive2''.[/i]
[i]Error: Transmission pipeline hanged, aborting process.[/i]
[i]Error: Exception of type 'Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.AgentClosedException' was thrown.[/i]
[i]Error: Connection timed out
read: End of file
Agent failed to process method {Signature.StartReversedSignatureUpdateSession}.[/i]
The copying usually remains hanging either for about 47 minutes or for about 4:30 hours. But several times I had to remove disk and reboot proxy via vSphere console after many hours.
Any idea, please?
Support Case #04367970