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Network Traffic Management - Data Encryption technology used

Post by redZonk »

Hi all

I am writing a detailed backup concept for a customer and the security guy would like to know, how the traffic gets encrypted if data encryption is enabled on the network traffic management. Based on the user guide, I understand Veeam uses to 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
As far as I understand Veeam will us the certificate stored in the VBR server for the TLS secured connection.
I should now provide more details about which TLS cipher suited are used.

The user guide proviedes lots of information about how the data gets encrypted in the backup files or on tape. But I could not find more information in regards to network traffic encryption.

Does anybody has some information about that?

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Re: Network Traffic Management - Data Encryption technology used

Post by PetrM »


TLS is used for management connections only and data traffic is encrypted by 256-bit AES as you correctly said in your post.

We inherit system settings including TLS ciphers, on Windows we leverage MS Crypto API and on Linux it is OpenSSL. For example, on Windows, these settings can be managed in the registry.

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Re: Network Traffic Management - Data Encryption technology used

Post by redZonk » 1 person likes this post

Thanks for the clarification.
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