There was close to zero space on that server's C: drive when I looked this morning, down from about 1GB yesterday. I've cleared about 400MB so it can function, and I see 1GB of new files in c:\temp:Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Error: Cannot upload guest agent's files to the administrative share [\\\ADMIN$]. Cannot upload the VSS package. Cannot copy file. Source file: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Veeam\Backup Transport\GuestInteraction\VSS\VeeamGuestHelpers\VeeamVssSupport2003_X86.dll]. Target file: [\\\ADMIN$\VeeamVssSupport\VeeamVssSupport.dll]. CopyFile() failed. Win32 error:There is not enough space on the disk. Code: 112
What are these files? Can I delete them?
It sounds like it copies these files there during each back, then deletes them afterwards. How much space do they need? It looks to me like we had just barely enough room, and then recently the space drifted just a little lower. Can I configure it so it puts them somewhere else?