I have recently renew our vmware infrastructure (2Hosts with 2CPUs AMD 6274 and 1EMC VNXe3300 30HDDs)
A third host with local storage is used for replication to a DRP site.
For the first replication I have kept the third host locally so I can run the job at full speed but I have encountered a big issue I didn't have before.
When running the replication job it has a huge impact on the performances of some Vmwares even if not among the vmwares replicated...
The job is configured as follow:
Source proxy: Vmware (so I can use the Hotadd feature)
Target proxy and repository server: physical server (traffic:nbd)
Job config: WAN, Best compression, slow bandwith option activated
The 2 hosts have a total of 64 Cores and 160GB RAM (currently only 25% used by the Vmwares so I am far to run out of ressources) so could it be due to the EMC or network (it is a Gbps network)???
I receive alerts for source proxy as it uses 100% of the CPUs when the job is running but I guess this is normal. As those Vmware are not important it is not an issue but apparently it is an impact on other Vmwares...
I am going to make some tests to try to determine the source of this performance issue but any help will be greatly appreciate

thank you