Hello, i'm running a cmd script in post-thaw mode for a vm. The script is located in the backup server I needs to run in the VM. These scripts has to delete some files once the backup is done.
I've test it with no luck.
Where the should be? In the backup server or in the VM? I know that when the script is in the backup server is uploaded to the VM and then executed locally from the VM. But I'm not able to write a file inside de VM and copy somewhere just for testing.
I'm doing something wrong?
Now I'm having exit code 1 with this one
Basically what i need to do is, after the backup of a VM finishes correctly, then delete files from a folder of the vm. It's simple but I'm not able to do it.
Then you should use a post-job script instead. Post-thaw script starts right after VM snapshot has been created, not after the backup is completed. Post-job script is executed on VBR after the job is finished, so you'll need to write a script that will be able to login into the VM and perform required actions.
19/10/2018 1:42:36,73 -
19/10/2018 1:42:36,75 - RESULT TFS: 1
But the del command its not working because the files still exist
Which user runs the command? I guess is the appaware processing user, and this user is administrator of the VM where I'm trying to erase files
As far as I can see from the script, it does not log in into the VM. Post-job script is executed on the VBR server and it won't perform any actions inside a VM unless you've specifically told it to do so. Also I would double-check if 'del' command actually supports deletion from network shares.
Hello I've execute it using psexec utility and works fine when using a runas command. I don't know which user runs the post-job script. I've to manually setup the credentials and use a plain password but this is not a thing I can really leave as productive.