I need to replace the current standalone VMware vSphere 5.5 vCenter with a new Active Directory integrated vCenter.
The action plan is:
Install a new Center
Create a new datacenter with the same name as the old one
Create a new cluster with the same name as the new one
Detach each node from the old vCenter
Attach each node to the new data vCenter
Use a PowerCli script to re-create the folder structure and move each VM to the same folder as in the old vCenter
What is the best way to configure the Veeam B&R 9.5 server to point to the new local vCenter in order to keep existing backup jobs?
I need to keep existing jobs and make incremental backup jobs go on without creating new full backup
What is the best strategy to configure a remote Veeam B&R 9.0 server to point to the new local vCenter in order to keep existing replica jobs without manually update each replica job?
Is there any best practice I can apply?
Many thanks for your answer.
I have a similar problem because in a different site (let's say, SITE1) I have several replica job pointing to VMs in the site where we replaced the vCenter (let's say, SITE2).
Can I use the same tool or any other tool to tell the Veeam B&R server on site SITE1 that the replica of VM1 in SITE2 in managed now by a different vCenter?
I don't want to edit each single replica job...
Please consider a Veeam B&R server running B&R version 9.0 and a VMware vSpere 5.5 infrastructure.
I need to replace the current VMware vCenter with a new one, with the same name and IP address.
The new vCenter will be installed from scratch and ESXi servers will be disconnected from the old vCenter and connected to the new one.
Should I re-create the Veeam jobs or can I presume that the current jobs will go on working?
Since all morefID's will be changed due to re-registration of hosts (VMs), backup jobs will start to produce new backup chains.
In order to continue existing backup chains you need to migrate vCenter instead of installation from the scratch and re-adding hosts.
You can find a useful link in the thread above. Thanks!
Many thanks for the answer.
Can I say that "backup jobs will start to produce new backup chains" but existing jobs will continue working?
If you have enough space on the repositories, producing new backup chains is far less dramatic that re-creating (manually, if there is any issue with the migration tool) all the jobs.
Is it correct?
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
All existing backup jobs will stop working without re-configuration, since all VMs will be recognized as new VMs that were never seen before. Thanks!
Just to clarify, the jobs will not stop working, but they will not be able to find added VMs (due to ID changes) and will not backup anything. After you re-add VMs, they will perform full backups of those, unless you perform ID matching.
There is a tool available that can help to match the MoREF Ids again. But if you can afford the space, please treat the VMs as new VMs as mentioned above and let the Jobs create new backup chains.