We're planning on using Veeam to permanently migrate our VMs to a new datacenter. When we do the cutover, we'll shut down the VMs and do a final replication before Failover. Since every VM that is being migrated will be shut down first before the very last sync, is there still a need to use Application-aware processing? We don't plan on doing any DR type failovers with it in this scenario.
Another possibly related question is we've got some servers that reside in our DMZ. These servers either have different credentials or no firewall access to talk to any of the Veeam servers currently. For example, one of these machines gives the error
"4/29/2016 3:52:31 AM :: Error: Failed to connect to guest agent. Errors:
'Cannot connect to the host's administrative share. Host: [DMZ IP]. Account: [accountname].
Win32 error:The network path was not found.
Code: 53"
Considering the previous scenario of VMs being shut down before final replication, Is there a way to make it so that it doesn't need to talk to the administrative share? Can it just do all of its operations via vCenter/vSphere?
is there still a need to use Application-aware processing?
No need in this case. However, you might be interested in Planned Failover functionality as it does exactly what you're looking for.
Considering the previous scenario of VMs being shut down before final replication, Is there a way to make it so that it doesn't need to talk to the administrative share?
Nope, as the runtime service has to be deployed inside the guest. However, there are two authentication methods: via network, via VIX. Each of them requires different things to work.
So, might be worth checking both and seeing whether at least one of them is applicable in your environment.
I have a backup job configured for a virtual machine in our DMZ that usually produces a warning at the end of the backup, as per the below:
27/06/2017 12:02:30 AM :: Failed to prepare guest for hot backup. Details: Failed to connect to guest agent. Errors: 'Cannot connect to the host's administrative share. Host: [hostname.local]. Account: [Administrator]. Win32 error:The network path was not found. Code: 53 Cannot connect to the host's administrative share. Host: [ipaddress]. Account: [Administrator]. Win32 error:The network path was not found. Code: 53 ' 27/06/2017 12:02:52 AM :: Failed to index guest file system. Veeam Guest Agent is not started
Now what is interesting, is that I created a new job, with the same settings as the above job, for a new virtual machine in the same DMZ network. However it does not produce those warnings.
There is no network access from the VBR or Veeam Proxy servers to the above virtual machines. Indexing is not enabled (it mentions it in the error), and I have enabled both the VMware quiesce and Application aware processing setting.
Why does one server produce a warning and the other does not?