Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Restore points not aging as anticipated

Post by squebel »

Hello, so I have a job that we still run but it is set up to look for a tag that no longer has any vm's associated with it because we stopped providing backups to the customer but they wanted the backups to age off per their requirements. The job is currently set to keep restore points for 30 days with 4 monthly Fulls (no weekly in there) but the restore points look like this today:

Inc 5/31 - 5/4 (27 points)
Full - 5/3 - M
Full - 4/1 - M
Full - 3/1 - M
Full - 2/1 - M

The Incremental taken on 5/4 is much older than 30 days at this point. Why doesn't the job merge the backup taken on 5/4 into the Full backup from 5/3 and then do that on a daily basis for the next oldest incremental? I really swear I've seen this work in some configuration and work in other older versions. Is there a way to set up this job to make it do what I want it to do?
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Full Name: Rasmus Haslund
Location: Denmark

Re: Restore points not aging as anticipated

Post by haslund »

If you want incremental backups merged into a full backup, then you need to use the 'forever forward incremental' backup mode, however; then you will not have any periodical full backups.

Please have a look at this KB:

When you configure the job to have 30 restore points and periodical full backups, then when a new full backup is performed a new backup chain is started. This new backup chain must reach 30 restore points before the older inactive backup chain can be deleted. No merging of incremental backups occur.
Rasmus Haslund | Twitter: @haslund | Blog:
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