i´m sorry if there´s already a topic to this, but I couldn´t find one.
In our enviroment we´re backing up vApps via Storage Snapshots over NFS. Works fine!
But if we restore a vApp to the same target a message occures like "Direct NFS connection is not available, failing over to network mode...". This works, but results in slower performance.
DEFAULT readonly
cluster readonly
fcp readonly
file readonly
igroup readonly
iscsi readonly
network readonly
node readonly
security readonly
security login readonly
set readonly
snapmirror all
system readonly
version readonly
qtree readonly
lun all
nfs all
snapshot all
volume all
vserver all
Does the veeam user role on the netapp has too less rights, maybe?
You're trying to restore over Direct NFS, where storage permissions are not relevant (they are required for restore from storage snapshots). Seems like proxy server doesn't have permissions to write to the NFS datastore.