Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Full Name: Alec Naylor

Restoring VeeamZip Backup to an ESXi host

Post by alecnaylor »

I would like to restore a VM from a VeeamZip backup to test that the restore works. It appears that you can either restore to the original ESXi or a different ESXi host but according to the Veeam Backup User Guide when you restore to the original location it will turn off and delete the original VM before performing the restore.

"When you restore a VM to its original location, you keep the original VM settings. This type of restore ensures the quickest recovery and minimizes the number of mistakes that can be caused by changes in VM settings. The primary VM is automatically turned off and deleted before the restore."

I also wanted to know that If I changed the VM name and folder when carrying out the restore process would it delete the current VM on the ESXi host. Finally, if I wanted to restore to a different ESXi host I assume there is no way to do this without a license that has access to the API's used for backup.
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Re: Restoring VeeamZip Backup to an ESXi host

Post by DGrinev »

Hi Alec and welcome to the community!
alecnaylor wrote:If I changed the VM name and folder when carrying out the restore process would it delete the current VM on the ESXi host.
No, it will not be deleted, as it will register as new VM with a unique ID, also you able to restore VMs to ESXi hosts without additional licenses.

The recommended way to verify backups for recoverability is to use SureBackup job, but it requires Enterprise or Enterprise Plus license.
However, if you use the Standard edition, you can manually verify VM backups with instant VM recovery. Thanks!
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