I've logged a ticket for this with support (Case # 05163180), but so far no luck and thought I'd try posting here for some tips I can try as well.
I'm trying to get Secure Restore working. I'm running Veeam 9.5 u4 ( ... I know, I'm falling behind! Going to 11 soon. ) and my mount servers all have System Center Endpoint Protection installed. From what I can tell, the command line options should be pretty much identical to Windows Defender, except for the path.
I've edited the antivirusinfos.xml file and added the following (at the end of the file), hopefully this is correct:
Code: Select all
<AntivirusInfo Name='System Center Endpoint Protection' IsPortableSoftware='false' ExecutableFilePath='%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Security Client\mpcmdrun.exe' CommandLineParameters='-Scan -ScanType 3 -File %Path% -DisableRemediation -BootSectorScan' RegPath='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MsMpSVC' ServiceName='MsMpSVC' ThreatExistsRegEx='Threat\s+information' IsParallelScanAvailable='false'>
<ExitCode Type='Success' Description='No threats detected'>0</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Error' Description='Antivirus scan was completed with errors'>2</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Infected' Description='Virus threat was detected'>2</ExitCode>
However, when I try to do a restore, it always fails to detect the antivirus software.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help appreciated! Thanks all!