Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Full Name: Babak Pirouznia

seperate vcenter ip for veeam

Post by babakpirouznia »

Hi everyone

we have a topology like this:


the separate isolated 1G physical link between esxi and switch EtherChannel just for veeam backup traffic.
on every esxi separate vmkernel port by management enabled for veeambackup traffic.
veeam backup traffic subnet is separate from production.
veeam backup server is a vm on esxi6.

my questions:
1- my vcenter server ip is in production subnet and not in veeam backup subnet and we don't want the following any traffic from any subnet to veeam backup subnet. as a result, we can now just add esxi directly in veeam backup. can we add another interface and ip for vcenter to connect to veeam backup?

2- we bound two 1G LINK in EtherChannel from each esxi host. is this really doubled bandwidth in backup? is this really achievable? during backup just one link has traffic.
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Re: seperate vcenter ip for veeam

Post by matteu » 1 person likes this post


1- If I understand it correctly, Vmware support multihomed vcenter and one of the use case is to separate backup traffic :) : ... D32C3.html

2- You bound 2x1G on management port group ? Are you using network mode transport on your proxy ? Only this mode will use your management traffic and it's not recommended on 1G network because it will use only 40% of the maximal bandwith due to the vmware API limitation
All requirements for ethernchannel are mentionned here :
Andreas Neufert
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Re: seperate vcenter ip for veeam

Post by Andreas Neufert »

In the end we depend on the DNS FQDN resolution.
The APIs within VMware always works with the FQDNs even when you register ESXi hosts by IP address to the vcenter.

If you want to change the IP address that Veeam is using with the vcenter/ESXi hosts, then you need to give Veeam the IP addresses back on the FQDN name of vcenter and esxi hosts (as added in the configuraiton of the ESXi host).

Simplest solution is to add vcenter and ESXi host entries in the local hosts file that point to the non default IP addresses of the B&R Server and all Proxy Servers.
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