Host-based backup of VMware vSphere VMs.
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Full Name: Keith Thiessen

Storage Integration - Failover

Post by tkeith »

I notice in the storage integration tab there is a box you can check to failover to standard backup (if storage snapshots fail).
I notice that by default this box is unchecked. However when my jobs run and storage snapshots fail or the VMs have active snapshots on them and storage integration is skipped the job still runs normally and i dont have this failover option checked.
Just wondering where this feature works or is relevant.
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Re: Storage Integration - Failover

Post by Gostev »

Well, I am sure there is an explanation to that, but it's hard to guess without seeing the logs. For example, this can be the case when VM does not meet the requirements to be processed from storage snapshots. If we see that the only way the VM can be backed up is using standard VADP backup, then we will not consider any settings from that dialog you have mentioned at all, as they are simply irrelevant here. Feel free to open a support case to confirm the reason for sure though. Thanks!
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